Laser therapy uses focused light to stimulate a process called photobiomodulation (PBM) to reduce pet pain and inflammation and promote healing. Our Safe Harbor Animal Hospital team is committed to providing the highest quality health care for your pet, and we believe this technology can benefit many pets with numerous health conditions. Learn about this non-invasive, drug-free treatment option.

How does laser therapy work?

Laser therapy uses a non-thermal form of light energy (i.e., cold laser) to stimulate PBM, which triggers a biological cascade of events that leads to increased cellular metabolism. The end result is reduced pain and inflammation and accelerated healing. The PBM process involves:

  • Increasing energy production — When tissue is damaged, the cell’s ability to produce energy is impaired, and cell metabolism slows down as a protective mechanism. PBM functions to restore energy production and to reestablish normal cell function.
  • Decreases inflammation — PBM stimulates production of chemicals that promote oxygen and nutrient transport to damaged tissues, and inhibits chemicals that  cause inflammation.
  • Reduces pain — PBM causes the release of natural pain-relieving chemicals and suppresses pain receptors, which help reduce pain.
  • Promotes tissue healing — PBM increases pro-healing cells, stimulates blood vessel development, and encourages collagen production and deposition.

How can laser therapy benefit pets?

Laser therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment option, and our team uses the multi-wave locked system (MLS) therapy laser, which is one of the most technologically advanced therapeutic lasers approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Laser therapy has been proven safe and effective to treat many debilitating conditions, including:

  • Joint conditions — Arthritis, hip dysplasia, intervertebral disc disease
  • Soft tissue injury — Tendonitis, cranial cruciate ligament injury, sprains, strains
  • Bone injury — Fractures, trauma
  • Oral conditions — Gingivitis, periodontal disease, feline stomatitis
  • Skin conditions — Lick granulomas, wounds, post-surgical swelling
  • Inflammatory conditions — Sinusitis, ear inflammation, cystitis

Laser therapy is especially useful for pets with diminished organ function and who can’t take medications commonly prescribed to address pain and inflammation. In addition, the therapy is useful for cats, since few pain-control medications are approved for felines.

What should I expect at my pet’s laser therapy session?

Your pet and everyone in the room must wear protective goggles during a laser therapy session, since direct or reflected laser beam exposure can damage the retina. Your pet can find a comfortable position on the table or the floor, depending on their size, and we deliver the treatment with a handheld device with a wand that we move back and forth over the affected area. Most pets relax during the sessions, which last 15 to 30 minutes, with the number of sessions and treatment frequency dependent on their specific condition. Chronic conditions, such as arthritis, usually benefit from weekly treatments, whereas open wounds and surgical incisions may need more frequent treatments. 

Can laser therapy be used with other treatments?

Laser therapy is a great adjunct treatment that your pet’s multimodal pain management program should include. It has no side effects and can be safely used in conjunction with therapies including prescription medications, acupuncture, rehabilitation, and dietary supplements. 

Is laser therapy safe for my pet?

Laser therapy has no known side effects, but considerations include:

  • Home use — You can find low-level lasers advertised and sold for at-home use, but an effective therapeutic laser is a powerful medical device and should be used only by a veterinary professional. 
  • Pregnancy — The laser should not be used over a pregnant pet’s uterus.
  • Tumor — The laser should not be used over a tumor site to prevent growth acceleration.

Our team is experienced in laser therapy, and we will devise a safe treatment protocol according to your pet’s individual needs. 

Laser therapy is an excellent drug-free, non-invasive treatment option that will help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote faster healing. If you think laser therapy could benefit your pet, contact our Safe Harbor Animal Hospital team, so we can assess your pet and determine an appropriate therapy protocol.